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Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Introduction post

     Hi I'm Kylie, I am a freshman from Orlando. I am currently an elementary education major and would like to be a principal eventually. I would also hope to teach in a different country one day, to gain world experiences and learn about other cultures. In this class I hope to gain insight into how to merge technology and education to take useful lessons into my future career with education. 

    Prior to this class, I have not used much technology in terms of education. The most I have experience with is taking attendance through an online application with students, and using social media resources such as Tik Tok and Instagram to learn from teachers.  From a student perspective, I have used technology to complete assignments and keep up to date with school. Overall, I have a lot to learn from this class in terms of technology and I am excited to become more comfortable with this realm of education. 

    My personal learning networks consist of a mix of tools, people, and environments. In terms of tools, I utilize social media to keep up to date with education today and follow current educators in their day to day lives. As for people, both of my parents are principals so I definitely utilize them the most, however I also interact with previous teachers, my employer (I work with kids), and the students I currently work with. In terms of environment, my classrooms and study spaces are post prevalent in this aspect, as well as the school I work for in Leon county FL.  

Blog Journal #9

 My experiences as a distance learner were honestly very good. Distance learning made my school experience a lot better, since it was more f...