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Thursday, September 8, 2022

Blog Journal #2

 I have a good amount of experience using Microsoft Word as a student in both k-12 and FSU environments. In high school I used Microsoft Word a lot for documents, worksheets, and essays. Although I am comfortable with Microsoft Word, I still do prefer Google Docs. I prefer Google Docs because it feels easier to navigate and I am aware about more tools available than compared to Microsoft Word. 

The ISTE Standards for educators are super important when it comes to educators working with technology. I think the most important of these standards is learner. Educators have to continue to adapt and learn about new technology as it releases and must take on the role of digital native to lead their students to success with technology even if they feel more like a digital immigrant. This is important because it keeps the students and teachers interacting successfully with technology as the future progresses. 

I do agree with the label digital native. Being a digital native means you are raised and grow up surrounded by technology and you are very comfortable with it because of that. There is a definitely and notable difference between digital natives and immigrants in the learning place in that natives can work better with computers and technology to get work done more efficiently while digital immigrants may need more time and help figuring out new software and programs. This impacts learning because often the students are the ones teaching the educators how to use their computers and programs as they are more comfortable with the technology at hand.

 Hanalei: a real Digital Native on the iPad

 "Hanalei: a real Digital Native on the iPad" by Wayan Vota is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kylie. Similar to you, I feel more comfortable using MS Word even though I know Google Docs is easier and more efficient. I just choose to use MS Word because I don't feel like transitioning to Google Docs just yet. I liked how you mentioned that the ISTE learner standard is important because educators need to become a digital native as technology progresses. I agree that there is a difference between a digital native and immigrant which definitely impacts teaching.


Blog Journal #9

 My experiences as a distance learner were honestly very good. Distance learning made my school experience a lot better, since it was more f...