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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Blog Journal #6

 This was my first time using Diigo, so i was unfamiliar with it when starting. After playing around with it, I found that I liked that Diigo was fairly easy to figure out on my own. It was clear and straightforward which made using it easy and user friendly. However I did not like the layout of Diigo, it felt straining and was not calm. The layout felt hectic and outdated, but the actual usage of the website was good the aesthetics were the only issue. 

So far my experience with blogging has been good. The blogger website is easy to use and the layout makes blogging simple and easy. I also like being able to answer these questions in more a laid back way as oppose to paragraphs. It is also cool to see my classmates posts in one central website and be able to comment on their ideas too. Overall I am glad we use this tool in class and I have had no bad experiences so far, this is something i will use later in life. 

A web 2.0 tool I may use when teaching later on is Tik Tok. I think this would be a good resource for students because a lot of students already use Tik Tok so they are familiar with how the application works. Tik Tok also has super short videos which ensures students are not zoning out, and can pay attention for 1 min to get the information of the video, then watch another short video with a different layout and still be enaged. A lot of teachers are on Tik tok already which makes it a good tool for students who may need different types of teaching styles, ensuring they can find at least 1 person to learn from. Tik Tok can also be a way for students to complete projects and assignments while viewing the work as fun since they get to be creative and use social media, which most students already enjoy doing in every day life. 

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