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Thursday, October 27, 2022

Blog Journal #8

 The most useful skill I acquired from working with the web design page was the embedding feature. I feel like everything else I used was more basic figuring it out or I had used it before. The embedded feature was something new I had to learn and probably could not figure out alone. This feature will be helpful in the future to create class calendars to keep parents up to date with classroom events. 

New skills I learned from using Diigo include the ability to mark up a text with annotations. This includes the highlighting and sticky note feature Diigo offers. This can be useful in my classroom becasue it can foster collaboration with coworkers and students. I can post an article and see what others have to say about it which is beneficial to all parties' learning. 

Technology and teacher professional development are important factors in a good teacher. A teacher staying informed on technological advancements through trainings can serve as professional development. This benefits learning because the more information the teacher knows the more they can teach students. Technology is a big field in today's world, so it is important teachers stay up to date for the best outcomes in preparing students for the real world. is a website that can help teachers stay up to date with trends of technology in education because it can bring together a lot of knowledgable people to one centralized hub who can learn from each other through live videos, tweeted articles, and more. 


  1. You have really good contrast and everything is easy to read. I think the colors could just be a little more cohesive though.

  2. Your website overall was designed really well. it was very appealing to the eye and I enjoyed looking over it.

  3. I think you chose the best colors for your website, I do think the overall layout could use some help though. There is no consistency in the alignment or proximity.


Blog Journal #9

 My experiences as a distance learner were honestly very good. Distance learning made my school experience a lot better, since it was more f...